Come with us now on a journey through time and space where I undertake an adventure in EDSE12024: Digital Pedagogies in Secondary Schools at CQUniversity. I'm a "mature age" student, so if it's anything like cheese I hope to continue improving with age. Technically, I'm a Xennial - a generational hybrid. I had an analogue childhood (where the TV remote was still wired to the television), that developed into digital adolescence (where only the affluent could afford a computer and dial-up modem in their household). In Year 4, I can vividly recall there being one computer on a trolley being shared amongst the entire school. Mr Ronan entered coordinates on a computer game to try and digitally bomb our opponent. It was fascinating! By high school, I learned to touch-type on electronic typewriters as "typing" was still a school subject in Years 9 and 10. Oh, how I aspired to become a secretary! By the time I was in Year 11, the school had two computer labs w...